ASC, Assessment Systems Corporation, is the sole distributor of Lertap 5. ASC's website is: The Lertap page within the ASC website may be reached directly via this URL:
In order to obtain a copy of Lertap, users first download a "trial copy" to their computer. This is done by clicking on one of the links on ASC's Lertap page.
As of May, 2005, the ASC Lertap page had two spots with links to the trial copy. One of these is found at the top of the page, and consists of a series of icons, as shown here:
The two icons on the left, Trial and Demo, lead to instructions for downloading the trial copy. The other icons don't do anything. Macintosh users: please write to for assistance with downloading a trial version for the Mac.
There's another spot on the ASC Lertap page which gives access to the trial version. It's found towards the bottom of the page, and, in May 2005, looked like this:
The trial copy may be used for free for 30 days. A license must be purchased if Lertap is to be used after the 30-day trial period.