The ChemQuiz.xls Excel workbook may be downloaded here.


A data processing / Lertap exercise based on ChemQuiz may be downloaded here. This exercise is a doc file which contains student answer sheets, one per student, and some (optional) instructions for processing the responses with Lertap. The purpose of the exercise is to provide a practical data-entry and data-analysis experience, using Excel and Lertap.


(If you do the exercise, here's a tip that will save you time when you have to enter the item responses: use The Spreader.)


From a measurement and psychometric point of view, this quiz had poor properties. Its reliability was low, and some of the items had unacceptably low discrimination. This was deemed not relevant for this introductory section of the Guide. (It would sort of ruin the story line, but this is not to say, not for a moment, that the example is not real. Using the Stats1b report in the manner exemplified here is entirely legitimate, of course. Users do not need to know about the intricacies of all of Lertap's output, which can indeed be excessive, even unnecessary, for numerous users, our teacher among them.)