Larry Nelson is originally from the United States. He gained an BSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 1964, and an MSc in Educational Psychology from the same university, Wisconsin, in 1970. Awarded a National Science Foundation Fellowship in 1970, he then completed a doctorate in Educational Psychology / Psychometrics at the Laboratory of Educational Research, University of Colorado, in 1973. His major professors were Kenneth D Hopkins and Gene V Glass.
Lertap has been his largest and most enduring software development project. A history of Lertap may be seen via this link.
Larry has lived and worked in the United States, Venezuela, New Zealand, and Australia. Extensive teaching, consulting, and advising assignments have had him also spending years in Indonesia and Thailand.
Over years he has worked in both educational technology and educational measurement.
Some of his work, especially as related to educational measurement, is cited in the references.
At April 2021, besides heading up the business, he was holding part-time positions at two universities: Curtin University in Western Australia, where he was affiliated with the School of Education as a Research Fellow, and Burapha University in Thailand, where he held an adjunct professorship in the College of Research Methodology and Cognitive Science (RMCS).
Contact Larry at or