Scoring open-ended and constructed-response items


Lertap 5 is particularly adept at processing multiple-choice quizzes and tests, and rating scales. However, it may also be used in situations where the number of responses to an item or question is not fixed in advance. We have two examples to recommend.

One example comes from a graduate student at the University of Minnesota who developed and administered a test having a mixture of multiple-choice and short-answer questions. Her work is described in this document.

Another example derives from a major project to develop a new high-school student aptitude inventory for use on a national scale. A mixture of multiple-choice and constructed-response items were used. An interesting aspect of this project had to do with the development of two equivalent forms of the instrument, making it possible to examine parallel-forms reliability. This project is discussed in another technical paper; the paper as well as authentic data from this project are available as one of our sample datasets.

A third example comes from "FIMS", the First International Mathematics Study -- a mixture of supply/constructed-response and multiple-choice items were used.  (This example has links to actual items.)