Links to the Lertap 5 manual and related references

The original manual for Lertap 5 was printed by the School of Education, Curtin University, in the year 2001.

A second edition of the manual has been anticipated for some time, but it's not finished yet. In the meantime, the original manual is still very highly recommended. It remains one of the best Lertap 5 resources, especially when it comes to understanding the results produced by the program (Chapters 7 and 8 talk about how to make sense of Lertap 5's various reports). It is also recommended as an entertaining read -- try one of the first chapters to see why.

Of course Lertap 5 has grown since the manual was printed. Many enhancements have been added. These are presented and discussed in "Lelp", the Lertap help system. Many of them are also showcased in the "Sample datasets" website.

Use the links below to download chapters from the manual and/or to have a look at related information as found in Lelp and the sample datasets.

Chapter 1
"Lertap Comes Alive as Version 5"
(Similar information found here: Sample datasets)

Chapter 2 (updated October 2015)
"A Cook's Tour of Lertap 5"
(Another view of the Tour is here: Sample datasets)

Chapter 3
"Setting Up a New Data Set"
(More details related to this topic are here: Lelp)

Chapter 4
"An Overview of Lertap 5 Control Cards"
(Another presentation of this topic: Lelp)

Chapter 5
"Control Cards for Cognitive Subtests"
(More examples and explanations: Lelp)

Chapter 6
"Control Cards for Affective Subtests"
(Another approach with more examples: Lelp)

Chapter 7
"Interpreting Lertap Results for Cognitive Tests"
(Chapter 7 is a top reference, but more information is in Lelp)

Chapter 8 (updated 3 September 2019)
"Interpreting Lertap Results for Affective Tests"
(Chapter 8 is a top read, another reference is found in the Sample datasets)

Chapter 9 (updated 4 September 2019)
"Lertap, Excel, SPSS, and others"
(A related discussion is here: Sample datasets)

Chapter 10
"Computational Methods Used in Lertap 5"
(For more information on this topic, see Lelp)

Chapter 11
"A History of Lertap"
(A very similar presentation is here, in this very document)

Appendix A
"The Original (1973) Lertap Quiz"
(Not covered anywhere else.)

The complete original manual (203 pages)