Some of the output produced by another of the Run menu's options, "Output item scores matrix", is captured in the screen shots seen below:
(It's possible for the correlation matrix to have SMCs on the diagonal.)
(Eigens = eigenvalues.)
The DAT "report" is made for export to other programs, such as Bilog-MG (it's easy to add fields to the report, such as some sort of group identifier).
Here's another export-ready "report". This one is formatted so that the XCALIBRE program will gooble it up. Gooble? You know -- that American comedian of yesteryear, George. (He was surely a Lertap user.)
The fancy table above was produced by Lertap 5.5's "response similarity analysis" routine, or "RSA". RSA is something you might want to do if it's raining outside, or otherwise seek to while away a few minutes instead of chopping firewood. Oh, true enough: some people use RSA to see if perhaps some exam takers may have somehow contrived to share their answers, a happenstance generally known as "cheating".