Subtest definition

A "subtest" is a group of items.  Each *col line in the CCs worksheet defines an item group.  If the items are cognitive ones, the group is usually referred to as a "subtest".  If the items are affective ones, the group of items may again be referred to as a "subtest", or as a "scale", or as a "subscale", depending on the user's preference.


Lertap will produce a score for each subtest or scale.  Such scores are found in the Scores worksheet produced when the "Elmillon item analysis" is taken from the Run menu.


Some users often ignore Lertap's subtests, scales, and scores.  These users are usually those who want to look mostly at item response frequencies -- for example, how many people got Item 12 right, or how many answered strongly disagree at Item 32.  For such users, Lertap produces too much information -- for them, the simple report given in the Freqs worksheet is at times sufficient.  At other times, the data in a Stats1b worksheet will do, with the interpretation of results aided, perhaps, by item response charts.


For additional reading on subtests, scales, and the interpretation of Lertap results, please refer to Chapters 7 and 8 of the manual.